Hospital Life Safety Systems are essential in today’s modern hospitals. Here are a few areas to consider:
MRI rooms need Gas Detection systems to prevent potential injury to patients and staff. The powerful magnetic field created by using superconductors requires liquid Helium to keep the superconducting magnets cool. The large quantity of liquid helium required – if released by accident or damage would create an immediate oxygen depravation hazard in the MRI room and adjacent spaces.
Laboratories and other hospital storage areas where tissue preservation is required will often add storage containers of liquid nitrogen called dewars. Depending on the application, a dewar can hold between 160 and 240 liters of liquid nitrogen. Within an expansion ratio of 694:1, a leaking dewar can quickly create an oxygen deprivation condition in an enclosed space rendering the inhabitants unconscious within seconds. By code, cryogenic storage systems require both leak detection and shutoff.

Whether you are building a new facility or have an existing one, talk to one of our Field Service Engineers to make sure it meets all compliance requirements.